During his whining media tour, felon Bernard Kerik has been telling everyone in media and the man in the moon he is unemployed but at the same time expresses his contact is “his company” known as The Kerik Group TheKerikGroup.com. This brought me back to a conversation Bernie and I had about the name of his company should he, one day, have an opportunity to own a company again. As a convicted felon, Bernard Kerik may not sign certain contracts, work for the government, be granted certain licenses, apply for certain business start up loans, etc. Bernard Kerik, as a felon on probation, is also not allowed to own a gun, license a weapon or even hold a deadly weapon. These restrictions would seemingly prevent him from working as the CEO of a “risk management company”. However, the State of New Jersey, Department of the Treasury Filing Certificate shows his “business purpose” as “risk management company”.
What do they call a company that reportedly has no assets, no clients, no contracts and where the CEO is restricted by Federal convictions to transact much of the daily business? That would be the definition of a “shell company”. This an acceptable status for most “start-ups” but “The Kerik Group” is no start-up. In fact, an older version of The Kerik Group existed back during the days of Bernie’s legal woes in 2008 for the purpose of “consulting services (all types)”. This company was disbanded by a State of New Jersey Certificate of Cancellation dated 02/01/10 with reasons “business discontinued due to factors beyond its control” aka Bernie was being sentenced to go to prison.
Bernie consulted me for my suggestions on a new name for his company. I explained to him using “The Kerik Group” would remind us all of darker days as the former company was subject of Bernie’s federal investigation as…wait for it..wait for it…a “shell company”. The Government suspected Bernie funneled money through his company. Those charges never manifested in Bernie’s conviction, however the is well documented in USA V. Bernard Kerik and, as such, the stigma exists.
So what does Bernie call his new business filed in the State of New Jersey on 10/10/13? You got it! “The Kerik Group”. The purpose of this business on the certificate is “Risk management Consulting”. I’m not sure how he got away with filing for a business he can’t possibly own, run or transact business but that’s Bernie and that’s Jersey, folks!
It appears Bernie utilizes his new “The Kerik Group”, employee of one, to save face, communicate with all those “associates” and funnel his speaking, publishing and writing fees that are apparently not recognized by Bernie as “work” or “income”. Since Bernie is still on probation paying to reduce his criminal fine, income is an important factor. The nominal amount Bernie pays to the government every month is based upon his ability to pay. It would behoove the government to take a second look at “The Kerik Group” financial statements. Right now Bernue claims he’s unemployed, hence the $250.00/month payment. However he has time to dress up, travel to Washington DC on a regular basis, chat Altoids and Mel Gibson with TMZ and do lunch at fancy places all in the name if “volunteering” in his heroic role of prison “reformer” chatterbox.
Since Bernie Kerik, still on probation, pays only $250.00 per month toward his low six figure original criminal fine, perhaps Federal Probation and the public would like to justify that nominal amount per month. Bernie claims he doesn’t have a “job” or any employment at all and lives on his NYC pension. I suppose this growing “shell company” will one day turn a profit and felon Bernard Kerik will actually pay his full debt to society. We can expect this new “The Kerik Group” is a legitimate venture. However, with the old name and the “old Bernie” returning from prison in self-proclaimed financial distress, it could return to be the same old……
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State of New Jersey Filing Certificate The Kerik Group www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com |
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State of New Jersey Filing Certificate The Kerik Group www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com |
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State of New Jersey Filing Certificate The Kerik Group www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com |
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State of New Jersey Filing Certificate The Kerik Group www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com |
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State of New Jersey Filing Certificate The Kerik Group www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com |
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State of New Jersey Filing Certificate The Kerik Group www.DoingTimeWithBernie.com |