Today I received yet another Cyberbullying “love letter” sub-tweet allegedly from Bernard Kerik BFF John Picciano Jr. Bernie’s evil thug friends have reportedly been doing his covert underhanded dirty work for years. (The offenders “tweet then delete” but screenshots are forever). I’m unclear on Bernie’s message to me today. You see, my own mother was mentally ill. I shared this painful story, in confidence, with Bernie. This is how law enforcement and probation officials will connect this 8-time felon to the upcoming harassment criminal/civil cases. Or did this twitter user, @JohnPiccianoJr, confuse my mother with Bernie’s mother who was a documented mentally ill whore, drunk, abandoning her toddler son? Either way, it does reveal more about Bernard Kerik’s character than it does about me or my Mother (may she rest in more peace than her troubled mind ever allowed her on this earth)
Today the “Wall Street Journal” published an article, “NYC ends solitary jailing of mentally ill inmates”.
Bernie was NYC Corrections Commissioner in 1998 at the time of this horrible policy. As coincidence would have it, John Picciano was Bernie’s Chief of Staff who reportedly enforced these ugly policies on the imprisoned mentally ill. We should also note, at the time, it is now known Corrections Commissioner Bernard Kerik’s attention was distracted by deep financial woes, illegal favors from renovation contractors and alleged adulterous affairs with female correction officer subordinates while his blushing bride was nesting and spending at home.
After his own incarceration and stint in solitary confinement, Bernard Kerik touts himself as a champion of prison reform. However he has yet to address or make public commentary or amends for the conflicts of his past policies like the one cited here. This prompts a question. Is Bernard Kerik truly invested in prison reform or is he simply paying lip service to the subject as a convenient method to gain notoriety and perhaps monetary gain synonymous with the profitable Washington DC liberal lobbying on mandatory minimum and prison
John Picciano Twitter cyberbullying screenshot |
reforms? Time will tell and so will I….
A new Bernard Kerik BFF has joined the Cyberbullying bandwagon now.
Isa Burchfield Twitter cyberbullying screenshot |
Isa Burchfield Twitter cyberbullying screenshot |
Best we can decipher, this may be the wife of an inmate currently still serving time at Cumberland.
Inmate Joseph S. Burchfield BOP Cumberland |
Slander and threatening in under 140 characters! Evil and creative, don’t you think? Allegedly, the hubby and current inmate is Joseph Burchfield. He was some corrupt politician from RI who was Bernie’s Crossfit buddy inside. Released felons should not be communicating with inmates but inmate wives are ok, I guess. Its true. She’s not a felon but why give the appearance of impropriety? It’s probably not unusual, giving Bernie’s history he may be “talking to”, “supporting” or “comforting” a poor lonely wife whose hubby is locked up and out of the way…just sayin..It could happen…Besides, this woman should be thanking me. The lesson is you never know what your husband is doing or to whom he is corresponding while alone in prison. He could end up a “jail pimp”. It’s a cautionary tale. Her husband is in Federal prison for years and she apparently has nothing better to do than cyberbully strangers on twitter so I’m crazy? Wow. The appropriate authorities have been notified. However the audacity and arrogance of this perfect stranger is beyond reasonable! I have personal knowledge Bernie communicates with inmates and released felons which may violate some conditions. All these evil-doers have one person in common; Bernard Kerik. It just shows the extent of manipulation and deception in his “inner circle”. The world never heard about this side. It’s time the world should know.