“I assert, by personal experience, Bernard Kerik is an eight-time-convicted felon, liar & manipulator whose “self-minded arrogance” remains despite even the humiliation of incarceration. Shortly after his release from prison, while still on an alleged “house arrest”, Bernard Kerik’s final words to me were a written threat vowing to “destroy my life”. Instead of whining and filing lawsuits, Kerik should be busy getting a j-o-b, paying his debt to society, begging forgiveness, and making amends/restitution to many of us he has deeply hurt who helped him along the way in his time of need. As one of the many who loved Bernard Kerik, only to be now left as discarded collateral damage in the wake of his pathetic life, I can only wish Mr. Tacopina and his counsel a swift victory in this defamation law suit.” – http://www.doingtimewithbernie.com/ Administration Public Comment for release
Here is the document about which Mr. Tacopina is referring in his defamation law suit filed today explaining this issue has a prior ruling c.plainsite.org/nysd/316126/
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/len-levitt/nypd-confidential_31_b_4674903.html “Best In Show”
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Personal Photo Archives July 1, 2013 www.DoingTimeWtihBernie.com |
This is my personal picture of Bernie. It was taken 07/01/13 after we enjoyed lunch together. I was someone he had refered to as “his Pal” and one of the few “in his closest circle”….I don’t know the desperate, angry, “self-minded arrogant”, conspiring, revengeful felon who is Bernie Kerik today. I suppose his “grooming” of me tarnished with all his lies and threats……
It’s sad Bernie is so desperate for money and attention. Today, he must resort to “paid-only” appearances touting his “flapping gums lip service, no-action, no-results prison reform”, frivolous law suits and mentions in gossip columns. He could have been the come-back story of the decade…It’s just not in his soul or moral fiber to take the necessary humbling steps to do so.. Sad…