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Bernard Kerik From Jailer to Jailed Fact Check; Newt Gingrich, Koch, Van Jones Abet this Liar Felon on Probation

Bernard Kerik From Jailer to Jailed Fact Check; Newt Gingrich and Van Jones Abet this Liar Felon on Probation

Newt Gingrich, Koch Industries and Van Jones, specifically, have chosen to abet and exalt a liar felon on probation, Bernard Kerik, who owes the USA more than $187,000 in criminal fines and over a year supervised probation demands before he totally pays his debt to society. Van Jones and Newt Gingrich, have “booked” liar felon on probation Bernard Kerik to speak at their “Bipartisan Summit on Criminal Justice Reform” event inside the beltway on Thursday, March 26, 2015. What could a liar felon on probation who has yet to pay his debt to society have to say that other felons who have sacrificed and fulfilled their punishment orders can say? Maybe we should ask Van Jones, Newt Gingrich and the that important question.

Felon on probation Bernard Kerik currently owes over $187,000 in criminal fines from USA v. Bernard Kerik. Bernie Kerik bills himself as “former NYPD Commissioner” however he seems to not want to give equal billing to his PRESENT “felon on probation” status which is the very reason he’s relevant to this event at all!

USA v Bernard Kerik probation criminal fine order

 Felon on Probation, Bernard Kerik, pays only $250.00 per month toward this fine. Yet, Van Jones, Newt Gingrich and others inside the beltway, apparently feel that’s the model that wish to offer other felons. All this in the week before felon liar on probation Bernard Kerik allegedly is allowed to profit off his crimes by publishing a book relating to his crimes and prison sentence. 

USA v Bernard Kerik probation criminal fine order

Felon liar on probation has NEVER made a public statement he was sorry or shamed of his crimes to which he swore to and plead in open court of his own free will. Nor has felon liar on probation Bernard Kerik received release from his probation and fully paid his debt to society. Perhaps Van Joens, Newt Gingrich and Koch Industries will implore this thug felon to do so before his “speech” on Thursday. 

So I ask Van Jones, Koch Industries and Newt Gingrich, “Is felon on probation Bernard Kerik or any other related institution getting paid for this event?”; “Is felon on probation Bernard Kerik or any other related institution getting reimbursed for his travel, hotel, wardrobe, per diem expenses?” 

The was formed to promote criminal justice reform. I say if the public, taxpayers, voters, politicians, law abiding citizens and inside-the-beltway agree to compromise on criminal justice reform, the criminals should show good faith in repentance and RESULTS toward paying their full debt to society and be crime-free before we exalt, abet and make them criminal justice reform role models. Otherwise it’s more of the same inside the beltway in Washington DC; “everybody plays, everybody wins”. 

Credit: New York Post Bernard Kerik
NYPD Commissioner hat Bernard Kerik

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